
Support the farming community to safeguard crop production systems and minimize crop losses from pest, through efficient and effective pest management strategies, thus maintaining a healthy environment and sustainable agricultural economy, utilizing all available financial and human resources.


The Plant Protection and Quarantine Unit seeks to be a professional Division with the necessary expertise, facilities and legal basis that can provide the highest quality service possible to sufficiently develop the farming communities and public, thereby ensuring cost-effective pest management, environment preservation and sustainable agriculture.


  • To prevent the introduction of exotic pests.
  • Eradicate introduced pests where possible.
  • To educate farmers on pesticide management.
  • Equip stakeholders to manage economic pests.
  • To implement Integrated Pest/Crop Management programmes appropriate to our farming systems.
  • To provide a reliable pest diagnostic service for the farming community.
  • To provide soil analytical services.
  • To operate an efficient plant quarantine service.

Programme Objectives

This programme provides for he effective management of exotic and other pest problems, and diagnostic services in St. Vincent and the Grenadines to include:

  1. Development and execution of a national public awareness programme.
  2. Production and liberation of biological agents.
  3. Provide pests and soil diagnostic services.
  4. Training and education of stakeholders and staff in relation to appropriate application of plant protection and quarantine activities and safeguards.
  5. Surveillance for exotic pests and other pests of quarantine importance.
  6. Conduct relevant Pest Risk Analysis for potential import commodities.
  7. Support the Extension and Advisory services programme through training and pest control activities.

Target Audience

Farmers, Exporters and the Public

(784) 456-1410
(784) 456-1111
ext. no.
office.agriculture@mail.gov.vc, agricomsvg@gmail.com
