
  1. The transfer of modern artisanal technology to the fishermen.
  2. Teaching the elements of navigation required in operating larger, improved fishing vessels.
  3. Carrying out fisheries research generally, locating and charting fishing banks, data gathering and stock assessment.
  4. Monitoring and maintaining coastal marine reserve areas.

Strategic Priorities 2017

  1. Explore the opportunities for fleet expansion.
  2. Improve collaboration with enforcement agencies to increase prosecution and conduct awareness and education programmes to increase compliance with fishery regulations.
  3. Improve the quality of data collection and analysis capabilities by training data collectors and analysts.
  4. Privatization of 5 Fisheries Centers.
  5. Develop and conduct a Fishing Industry Survey.
  6. Protection of endangered marine species.
(784) 456-1410
(784) 456-1111
ext. no.
office.agriculture@mail.gov.vc, agricomsvg@gmail.com
