A post Beryl recovery administrative team will soon be implemented as outlined in the 2025 Budget.

While making his contribution to the recent budget debate, Minister of Agriculture Saboto Caesar, commended the government’s vision for making provisions for the recovery team, which will begin work in the month of February.

He said the team will focus solely on recovery response, while the ministry will focus on growth, productivity and development of the sector which has been hindered as a result of the passage of hurricane Beryl.

"We have to free the hands of the scientist in the Ministry to let them focus on the science, and let clerical work be in the hands of persons who are trained to do the administrative work. Or else what is going to happen is that every year when you have a hurricane your best minds are there doing clerical work and that is going to retard growth, productivity and development. So, there is a need for a special post Beryl Recovery Administrative Staff which will be there after they finish this work. So, if you have a hurricane, if you have a natural disaster, they are particularly trained. Like this is what you call planning and vision and leadership."


SOURCE: National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC Radio)

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